Vive la France
Is it really June 11th already? That means that soon I will only have 2 weeks left. It's weird because on the one hand it has gone by so fast, the result no doubt of being in a different city every few days, but on the other hand it feels like forever since I've been home. I miss funny things, like breakfast food and salad dressing. When I get back, I'm going to miss the public transit infrastructure of most cities here (not in Italy mind you) and being able to get everywhere by train. I'll also miss getting to discover a new culture every few days and having art and history everywhere.
I've learned a lot on this trip, about the world, people and myself. Ah yes I have learned many things about myself, or had them pointed out to me, some good, some bad. All interesting. One of the most interesting things has been spending so much time alone. I've never needed to be surrounded by people all the time and I like my own company most of the time but it is so strange to spend so much time without the presence of others, others that I know that is. When you spend your days walking around cities by yourself you have a lot of time to think. It is in fact hard not to think. If you know me, you know that I already think a lot.
But enough of that. What you all really want to hear about I know is Paris. Ah Paris. After years of waiting, at last I am here. Back when I went to Europe with my dance school I was disappointed when it was decided not to go to Paris. It is one city that I remember always wanting to see. Probably because I've been speaking French for almost as long as I've been speaking English. It has not disappointed.
On my first full day I visited Notre-Dame, Saint-Sulpice (the church from the DaVinci Code if you're not familiar), the Pantheon and walked around the Latin Quarter and Montparnasse. Notre-Dame was nice but would have been more impressive if it weren't the thousandth church I've seen. The architecture is very interesting though and the grounds behind it are beautiful. It's right along the Seine to which makes for some nice pictures. Saint-Sulpice was beautiful and it has a lot more going for it than just the fact that Dan Brown used it in his book. Everyone who goes take pictures of the obelisk that the fake stone was supposedly hidden under. There are signs posted reminding people that the book is a work of fiction and in fact, no nun was murdered there. There's a really neat light effect when the sun is bright enough where a disk is reflected on the floor. Apparently on a specific day and time of the year it is located right on top of a plaque in the floor. There was a free tour of the crypts so I did that. There's only one tomb because the rest were pillaged but you can see the remains of the original church that it was built on top of. I also visited Paris' Pantheon. It's quite different from the one in Rome and smaller. After that I wandered through Luxembourg gardens and saw Luxembourg Castle.
Day two I spent on the other side of central Paris. I started at the Louvre (just the grounds) then walked through the Tuileries Gardens to the Champs d'Elysees. I walked down that very busy street to the Arc de Triomphe and then to the Eiffel Tower. The line for the elevator was very long so I took the stairs. They don't go all the way to the top but the view is still fantastic.
Today I went to the Louvre. I'm not sure what to say about it really. It is enormous for one and your head spins trying to figure out what to see and where to start. Like everyone else I started with the Italians the Grand Gallerie. I saw the Mona Lisa and unlike many, wasn't disappointed because I had no expectations. It was actually bigger than I expected. To hear some people talk after seeing it I was expecting almost a miniature. It is a nice painting but it isn't mind blowing. I also saw the Virgin on the Rocks and the Venus de Milo and much much more. I mostly skimmed the collection of French painting because my interest in French art lies primarily in the 19th century and I will get my fill of that tomorrow at the Orsay. I really enjoyed the Louvre but probably unlike a lot of visitors to Paris, my primary art museum interest is in the Orsay, on of if not the largest collections of Impressionism in the world. I have to save some energy for that.
My plan for the rest of the day now is to just wander around and see where I end up. It is surprisingly easy to get to places by walking here, a lot of sights are quite close together.
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